You are a professional sportsman and you have a challenge to build.
Is your sporting career becoming more professional? Do you need to communicate around a project for your sponsors or a cause? Do you need to ensure your own safety on a crazy project?
DotVision supports your projects with its GPS trackers. Depending on your destination, opt for GPRS, iot or satellite beacons.
You won't be surprised to see fans coming to meet you and accompany you for a few kilometers.
"DotVision tracking enabled me to organize the logistics around my challenge with my assistance and to communicate about the records. As I'm very sensitive to the value of sharing, it enabled me to share my adventure with the whole world via my geolocation, accessible live throughout the adventure. What's more, the DotVision trace is the trace that enabled the record to be ratified."
"DotVision supports me efficiently in my 666 project (Crossing 6 Deserts on 6 Continents in 6 times 1 month) across the World. A project about climate change and the challenges of the next world. Tracking is an important social and safety issue in my expeditions".